The boy is incapable of taking a normal picture at this point...
(glad to see the goofy old Maddox back though, obviously feeling better)

Maddox's #1 fan...

Attempting to copy her hero's goofy faces...

When is it time to trick-or-treat? Can we get our costumes on now? How about now? Is it time yet? That's what we heard all...day...long. Finally...darkness! And my little adorable witch and spooky vampire were ready to trick-or-treat...
(Notice Maddox's red-eyes...seemed appropriate. haha)

The make-up was pretty intense...but Maddox insisted we layer that white paint on. He is in need of a hair trim, but I had been waiting because we wanted to slick his hair back. Then he decided at the last minute he did not want it slicked back.

We ran into a few of their neighbor friends...Ross, Jenna, and Sarah.

Evey and I headed back home early to hand out some candy. Or eat the candy in Evey's case.

Maddox returned after only 14 houses (his plan had been 13, Jay talked him into one more...not sure why he chose to do 13 houses...he's always been a numbers guy) to sort and sample his bounty.

Maddox liked standing at the door, watching for trick-or-treaters. He liked greeting them and presenting the bowl of candy. He even told one giant group of teenagers to "get in line!"

Maddox removed the white makeup but wanted to leave the eyebrows. He has always wanted darker eyebrows. He was even in tears one night awhile back because he insisted his eyebrows weren't dark enough. So when he saw the white paint gone and those dark eyebrows, he smiled and said he wanted to leave them. ;-)

1 comment:
So glad Maddox was well enough to Trick or Treat! I love Maddox's costume, looks very authentic! Evey is looking great, working those boots! :) Great pics!
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