Yesterday, I got to photograph little 4-week-old William. Just adorable!! And we also snagged some pics with Mom (Megan) and big sis (Annelise). I really enjoyed Annelise, who is almost exactly my daughter's age. Beautiful and sweet.
Ah Chooooo!
Welcome William! And thanks, Megan, for the baby fix. :-)
My friend, Becca, has just turned 30! Yeah! Her family had a lovely party to celebrate her milestone, along with her mother's milestone birthday #60. And I was happy to document the event...and eat some delicious cake and icecream. :-)
Larry the dog. HILARIOUS! Turns out cameras drive this dog absolutely bananas. He tries to bite cameras. So if Larry was in the house while I was shooting...he was pretty much attached to my leg trying to get the camera. Too funny.
When I arrived, Taylor was solving his 5x5 Rubiks cube. I couldn't do the 3x3 cubes when I was a kid. I just tried to take it apart and put it back together again. Taylor is a pro.
Larry is still there...
Still there. Look at the foam on the tongue! He wants that camera bad...