So let's help them select a great image.
VOTE for your favorite image in the comments section at the end of this post and this lovely couple will receive an 8x10 of the most popular image!



Did I mention they are the proud parents of two adorable pups??? :-)


This is Izzy...

I'm obsessed with this image of little Mona shaking...




This is dying to be on canvas...


Amy's adorable sister Marla, AKA the dog wrangler...













Thanks Amy & Shawn for a fantastic session! :-)
They are all amazing! But my vote goes to #11 for being so creative!
They are all fabulous! I would vote for #20, how could you not hang that one up!
Yes, #9 should definitely be on canvas! Awesome images, Sarah!
#8 ...oh man, that was rough trying to pick just one favorite. That was a fantastic session!!!! Cute couple....and cute pups.
I love # 10 - complete ease and very much in love. Contentment.
sarah! we love #20! shawns face is so sweet in that one!
#2! That's my favorite!
i love this picture, great of both of them. would make a beautiful engagement picture! what a nice looking couple. #2
what a handsome couple! I love them all but #2 and #20 are pretty special! love you guys!
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