We joined my sister and her kids for a trip to
Deanna Rose Farmstead earlier this week. We hadn't been since last June...so this was Evey's first trip to the farm. We had a fabulous time. Evey enjoyed watching the ducks...or the "quack quacks" as we overheard one lady call them. Quack quacks? ;-)

Maddox enjoyed feeding the ducks...and had a very interesting throwing technique. Not real precise aim. Evey was even getting showered with food at one point so we had to move her a little further away. I'm not sure how he did it - but somehow the food was thrown simultaneously behind him and in front of him. You might be able to see the food here...

Connor's throwing technique was clearly influenced by a love of baseball...

I like this series of Elise. She didn't know I was taking her picture in the first frame - she had just glimpsed the camera and then started laughing...


And I love this series of Maddox in with the goats. I love the hands in the air - trying to convince the goats he was out of food.

Evey wanted to try out all of the different animals at the playground. Here she is riding the "pig"...

Never too old - Elise on the turtle (her favorite animal)... ;-)

Chicken. (with a very fast moving head)


We did the whole combo pack: mining, pony rides, fishing, hayride, and here is Maddox bottle feeding a pygmy goat...

Evey got tuckered out and took a nap while the rest of the gang went on the hayride...

This goat had a very confused horn that grew the same way as the other...

It was a pretty hot but otherwise very enjoyable day at the farm!