Ever heard of the Law of Fives? You can google it. Or blackle it or darkoogle it. ;-)
It basically says that everything can be related to the number five if you try hard enough. Let's take Evey for example. The letter E is the fifth letter in the alphabet. The letter V is the roman numeral for five. And Y is the 25th letter in the alphabet...which is 5 squared. AND today Evey is 5 months old! :-)
So we had the usual monthly photo shoot for the baby book. I had trouble narrowing down which pics to share!

She is still fascinated with her hands.

I am too. They are awfully cute little dimpled hands. It's hard to get a good picture of them because they are almost constantly moving.

In addition to her cute little hands and feet, I am fascinated by her hair. It's coming in a lot more now. She has a lot of crazy wild hairs that stick straight up. I think her hair line is neat.

She is still doing her tummy crunches.

But now she can sit up ALMOST by herself. I was able to prop her in a sitting position and then use my hand as a guide to keep from tipping over when she would sway one way or the other. Shouldn't be too much longer before she doesn't need my help anymore!

My favorite pic from today:

She's a happy happy girl!