A rundown of our Rimel Christmas activities...starting with some cookies baked for Santa.

Then we spend every Christmas Eve at Jay's mom's house. We had a yummy meal and hung out opening gifts and relaxing. Unfortunately, I didn't take too many pictures because I was busy keeping Evey away from their Christmas tree. Our tree is pretty bare on the bottom with all of the breakables at the top out of reach. Grandma Nita's tree was covered in lovely fragile glass balls that Evey liked immensely. I did manage to document more hugging between Evey and Maddox...

Grandma Nita (snug in her new photo blanket) & Grandpa Bob watching the kids...

The only thing Evey enjoyed more than the Christmas tree was rocking violently in this chair. She would fling herself back and bounce all around...

Christmas morning...

By the time we got home and through the bedtime routine, it was quite late before Evey & Maddox were asleep. So I actually had to wake them both up Christmas morning. We had places to be!
Maddox peacefully asleep...

The first thing he pulled out of his stocking was a piece of candy that was immediately unwrapped and popped in the mouth. I love that he still has sheet wrinkles on his face...

Maddox had asked Santa for the two things he wanted most in the world. A "fighter robot"...

...and Spike the Dinosaur...

He was a very happy boy. Cash had a little package of treats under the tree...yum!

Then it was time to awaken the next child. Evey loves to sleep with her little booty up in the air...

It was tough waking up. ;-)

Evey loved pulling things out of her stocking...

I stuck one of her new barettes in her hair, but it was no match for the crazy bed head she had going on that morning...
Evey also felt the need to immediately sample a piece of chocolate...


Maddox was busy with his robot while Jay assembled Spike...

Evey got a doll from Santa...

and a Spin & Bounce Pony...

Then we were off to my sister's house for Christmas with my side of the family. There we found little cousin Jaden looking very festive...

Jaden was quite taken with little Evey when we got there. He was all up in her space which freaked her out for a bit. But he definitely grew on her. ;-)

I didn't see much of Maddox, so I have few photos of him from the day. He was off being a ninja with Connor...

He calls this his "safari ninja" outfit...

Evey spent the day chasing my sister's cat around. Here she is climbing over presents to share a candy cane with a disinterested Ozzie...

Elise spent the day calling and texting people on her new cell phone...

This is why I don't bother to photograph much of the gift opening. When I ask Maddox to hold up what he opened, he usually holds it up in front of his face. Great product placement I suppose, but not when you are interested in seeing the boy!

Maddox in his pirate tent...

My mom (Grandma Donna) following Evey around as she wanders the house with a cracker (probably looking for the cat or dog)...

Doesn't Ozzie look ecstatic to see Evey approaching? ;-)

Here kitty, kitty, kitty...

Hope everyone had a holly jolly Christmas!