Stephanie looks amused...

So does Marilyn...

Marilyn & Stephanie catching up a bit...

Evey was busy leaving a trail of pretzel bits all over the house...

...and regressing. She loved all of Colin's baby toys...

Of course, the person we really want to get a good look at is little Colin. He is now 4 months old...and this is the first time I got to meet the little man in person. So I may have gotten a little snap happy with camera. ;-)

I am just crazy about baby digits...fingers and toes. Look at those chunky little fingers. :-)

What a cutey...

Sorry, I just couldn't decide which ones I liked best so I'm posting a bunch. :-P

Tasty fingers...

Colin is not a fan of tummy time...

GREAT drool shot! ;-)

And a couple with his mama...

I'm so happy I got to meet Colin and spend some time with Stephanie...no matter how brief. :-)
How fun! Colin is adorable, of course!
Your pictures are amazing! Beautiful!
Maddox's collage is the best ever.
What awesome faces. Stephanie's baby is quite beautiful! I couldn't decide either.
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