It was a lovely day for a barbeque...

and we had a great time playing in the backyard. There was lots and lots of swinging...

I love that Maddox is in the background swinging behind Evey in this shot...

Still swinging and having a fabulous time...

Cute little Milo...

When it was Olivia's turn to swing, Bryce decided to make a game of running back and forth in front of the swing. Very safe. ;-)

Then when it was Bryce's turn to swing, Louis decided to beam him with a giant bouncy ball. Another safe choice. Bryce seemed to think it was hilarious.

Uncle Jay is very popular with the kids...

Apparently Evey got tired and decided to take a rest in the grass. I found her here just chillaxin'... ;-)

Grandma 'Nita with her girls...

Happy Birthday Bryce!

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