The stunning bride...

The handsome groom...

Fabulous ladies...

Fabulous men...

I love love LOVE first meetings...

I had a small fit when we captured this rainbow...
Plus it was fun to tease the guys about it. Men love rainbows, right? ;-)


Not only were the bouquets from BitterSweet Floral Designs beautiful, they were amazing at attracting butterflies!

You can see a butterfly in the top photo here as well...
(bouquet on the left)

Evan (Kyle's brother) and Michaela were just married last month. See how good they are at having their picture taken? I said, hey, let me get a picture of the newlyweds. They said okay, and immediately snuggled and smiled... Pros! ;-)

And yet more portraits...

I loved the silhouette of Lauren's gown...

So sweet...

Time to get hitched...

Husband and wife!

We had a few minutes to goof around before making their reception entrance.
So Lauren and Kyle immediately settled into domestic bliss...

If I had a nickel for every wedding where we shot with a lawnmower...I'd have 5 cents. This was definitely a first. haha

As for the reception, the dance floor was where it was at!
The first dance...

Some nice slow dancing...

Warming up, getting a little funky, having some fun...

And then everyone went all Footloose. It was AWESOME!

So much fun! Thanks to everyone for a fantastic wedding celebration...and of course, CONGRATULATIONS to Lauren and Kyle! I wish you both the best. :-)

The lawnmower shots were great! So unique! #13 with the attendants lined up & couple at the end is a creative pose. Beautiful couple & wedding, love the pops of color & venue, too. Her dress is gorgeous!
Great job Sarah! These are fabulous.
I love the lawnmowin' on the wedding day. :) Nice ring shots too. Where did that beautiful teal wall come from? It was perfect for the background in making the colors of the flowers pop.
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