Yesterday I got to spend a little time with Frank and his family. Frank is getting ready to be deployed to Iraq...and his wife, Stephanie, wanted to create some family portraits while they were in the KC area visiting friends and family. Some of my favs from our session...
The whole crew...

This is Frank and his lovely wife, Stephanie. They have been married 25 years! Awesome!

Frank & Stephanie have five kiddos! The oldest of which is no longer a kid I suppose. ;-)
This is Stephen...




and little Elena...

I love this series with the gang all piled onto a bench together...

Stephen's lovely girlfriend Megan was hanging around, so we had to grab a couple of shots with her as well. ;-)

One last parting shot...

I really enjoyed getting to meet this amazing family. I can't imagine a sweeter bunch. And I think we definitely created some beautiful images for Frank to take with him overseas. :-)