It had been a long time...but Christie and I finally got together for another lunch and shoot. This time we headed to Westport...and we were joined by Christina and Anneka. It was so nice to hang out, talk shop, and then wander around shooting for the joy of it. It was so nice to shoot again, and I'm so happy to report that my hand did quite well! I'm finally on the road to recovery. :-)
So let's get to some of the random shots from the day!
We finally made it to a pool! We have had a rough time getting a swim in this summer. We've been crazy busy...and then anytime our schedule would allow was either raining or unseasonably cool. But last weekend my sister invited us to their neighborhood pool...and we were free...and it was a nice hot day for swimming! Unfortunately for me, I was not able to join in on the fun due to my hand injury. This would prompt Maddox to say, "How sorry do you feel for yourself?" His standard question lately when I mention anything about my finger, ha! Anyways, since I couldn't swim I decided to try to take some pictures.
Evey was fearless and loved every second!
Maddox and Connor had fun with their water launchers...
Elise did a wonderful job entertaining Evey. Not only do I love Elise's fish lips in the first shot, but her hot pink face in the second made me laugh as well... :-P
At some point Maddox insisted on wearing these goggles. His head never went under water once. I guess it was a fashion statement. ;-)
Maddox thought he was surfing...
Connor was more than willing to play along...
Surfer babe...
There was some sort of competition that Connor dreamt up...Elise and Grandpa Lee in action...
Jay reacting very dramatically to Evey's ball her delight...
I love his smile... :-)
Connor torturing Elise...
I was bummed I couldn't enjoy the pool, but the fun pics make me feel less "sorry for myself." ;-)
My unfortunate incident...combined with two kiddos sick with two different viruses...led us to postpone Maddox's birthday party. He was so good and patient about it all - I was very proud of him. So yesterday we were finally able to celebrate Maddox turning 5!
I managed to adapt my technique enough to get some shots! The birthday boy...
With cousin Connor...
Pirate Evey... (or "Evey...pirate!" as she prefers to say)
Grandma Nita went all out on the cake (as usual)...
In this one you can see Evey starting to climb across the table to "help"...
Maddox was pretty calm and collected during the gift opening...
But he could not contain his enthusiasm for the pinata. It was his first pinata experience and even after the candy had been removed...he continued to beat the thing to a pulp. Should I be concerned?! was almost a couple of weeks ago that I sliced off part of my finger. Surreal. Gruesome. Painful. So many adjectives come to mind! But I'll pick those as my top three.
I was reaching in a kitchen drawer that was jammed a little and forgot that I had a couple of cheese slicers in there. I felt something sharp and when I pulled my hand out of the drawer, I could see that the inside of my right index finger seemed to be missing. :-o!!!!! It's a rather long story and I will spare you all the gory when the ER "doctor" (I use the term loosely) decided it would be a great idea to try to cauterize my open wound without numbing my me the post painful experience of my life...though he claimed "everyone has a different pain threshold." The point finger is jacked up. Not just any finger...but my shutter trigger finger. Plus I'm not remotely ambidextrous - so it's pretty entertaining to watch me try to function using primarily my left hand.
Thank you to my clients for being so flexible and understanding about postponing sessions! I am working hard to get caught up on editing and album design. And I am looking forward to getting back behind the camera in my normal capacity ASAP!!!
Since I hate to post without a photo... (don't worry - it's not my mangled finger ;-)
We headed over to my sister's house for some Independence Day celebration and firework fun. We had some dinner and hung around waiting for it to get dark. Little Miss Evey is going through a rather clingy stage with me...some sort of delayed separation anxiety? I don't know. But she doesn't like me out of her sight these days.
Evey was carefree, having a fabulous time...
until we headed outside and she heard the fireworks going off in the neighborhood. She was a little concerned...
Though Grandpa Lee got her hooked up with some poppers and she thought those were pretty interesting.
Maddox also enjoyed the poppers.
Though he had a slightly more aggressive approach...
Maddox was setting off fireworks for the first time...
I say it all the time, but I just can't get over how big my niece is now...
When it came to retrieving parachutes, Jay and my sister got a little competitive. ;-)
Ooooohhhh, aaaaaahhhh...
LOVE the eyebrows!
Taking out a line of poppers...
It got chillier than I anticipated, so we had to hit up Connor's closet for something to keep little Evey warm...
The wind was making it difficult to light the snakes. Jay to the rescue. Though I'm not sure the snakes were supposed to actually be on fire.
Sparkler as light saber...
Jay and Maddox...
LOVE the abstract quality here...
Their neighbor up the street put on quite a show! :-)