I was reaching in a kitchen drawer that was jammed a little and forgot that I had a couple of cheese slicers in there. I felt something sharp and when I pulled my hand out of the drawer, I could see that the inside of my right index finger seemed to be missing. :-o!!!!!
It's a rather long story and I will spare you all the gory details...like when the ER "doctor" (I use the term loosely) decided it would be a great idea to try to cauterize my open wound without numbing my finger...giving me the post painful experience of my life...though he claimed "everyone has a different pain threshold."
The point is...my finger is jacked up. Not just any finger...but my shutter trigger finger. Plus I'm not remotely ambidextrous - so it's pretty entertaining to watch me try to function using primarily my left hand.
Thank you to my clients for being so flexible and understanding about postponing sessions! I am working hard to get caught up on editing and album design. And I am looking forward to getting back behind the camera in my normal capacity ASAP!!!
Since I hate to post without a photo...
(don't worry - it's not my mangled finger ;-)

Sarah - I am SO sorry!!! I hope you are well on your way to being as "whole" as possible! Been thinking about you a lot lately as you're getting ready to return to the classroom. Speedy recovery!
Oh that's not fair! I was hoping for a gory picture to see. :) I glad you are able to use it a bit more now. Your tragedy has definitely made me more cautious about getting things out of kitchen draws lately. I've gone so far as to reach for things with my left hand. ...I could work without a few left-handed fingers....just not the right hand. :)
Oh, my goodness! So traumatic, I'm sure. Hope you are feeling better and getting ready for your start back at it in a few weeks.
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