I am, as always, incredibly thankful for the blessed life I lead. I have an amazing family and group of friends that make my life a true joy. But what jumped out at me this year is how thankful I am for all of the photographs I have accumulated over the years. I was looking through my digital library for photos of my kids from the past several years (for a Christmas photo project) and was amazed at how many different stages and moments I had forgotten about. With each picture, a bunch of memories would come flooding back. I never want to forget all of those simple but special moments we have shared. I'm sure as I get older (I'm convinced I'm slowly losing my mind, ha)...and my kids continue to change and develop...I will need those memory prompts even more! So I am thankful I walk through life with a camera pressed to my face. ;-) Those photographic memories mean so much to me...and hopefully will be treasured by my children and grandchildren and many future generations.
So we went to my sister's house to celebrate Thanksgiving...

YUM! However...I mainly photographed my sister's new puppy on Thanksgiving Day. This is Henry...

We all tried to make sure Gracie got some attention too!

Lee enjoying Chris' magazines. :-P (And Dan enjoying some football.)

A little playful leg gnawing...

And some really hard napping...

Then back to being a puppy...

Hope everyone had a happy...and restful...Thanksgiving! :-)

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