Once he found us, he was all about waving! haha

Unfortunately, my child is a little short. So for much of the performance I could only see the top of his head. :-(
Luckily the girl in front of him grew fidgity and I managed to get some clear shots.

My FAVORITE! Both for Maddox's eager wave...and for his neighbor's protruding tongue. ha

I wanted to include just a couple of pics from one of the other performances. These kids were so cute in their bear outfits.

But this one child in particular stole the show. I'm going to go out on a limb and claim he will be an entertainer of some kind when he grows up. Academy Award? Maybe.
The next Jim Carrey? Quite possibly. He cracked me up. He made sure to really sell the emotions. ;-)

My boy in action. Again, it's a lot of the top of his head. But there are highlights...like yet another wave at the end. :-) I apologize for the sickening camera work...I was trying to record with my very heavy telephoto lens by hand...not easy.
Jingle Bells from Sarah Rimel on Vimeo.
Maddox seemed more interested in his shirt during this song. :-)
Two Front Teeth from Sarah Rimel on Vimeo.
Oh how funny and oh so sweet...Brings back memories from many years ago.. So innocent but so comical....Thanks Sarah for sharing these.
Oh man, too funny!!!! I loved the first video...break out the jingle bells and it causes the fastforward button on kids' singing. hahahahahaha
Maddox so funny. Really liked the "what the heck?" face. Jonathan saw Evey as I was looking at your blog and asked if she could come over to play. "I think that girl with the pink on should come over to our house."
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