I've been meaning to post but it has been a busy week!
Last weekend Jay and I took Maddox to the Enchanted Forest at George Owens Nature Park...and waited in line for 2.5 hours. Was it worth it? The votes are in: 2 no, 1 yes. You can probably figure out where the one yes came from. :-) Maddox had a fabulous time and didn't even seem to mind the wait. He didn't complain once. And upon exiting the forest after we finally went through, he announced "Let's do that again!"
I don't mean for the negative votes to indicate that it was not fun - it was very cute and nicely done. It's just that it was a beautiful evening and everyone in town turned out to enjoy it. It was scheduled from 7-9 pm. We got there just before 7 and we were lined up the hill, out the gates, across the street, and down a ways. We headed into the Enchanted Forest right at about 9:30pm. When we left around 10:15, there were still people in line with probably another 45 min to an hour wait. Apparently they have been doing this for 15 years and it was record breaking attendance when we went last Saturday.
They are doing it again this Friday and Saturday, I would suggest anyone who wants to attend arrive by at least 6:30! I don't have any pictures from the actual forest b/c they ask that you not blind the performers with flash. The performances ranged in quality from quite lackluster to surprisingly talented. My favorite was the guy who did Captain Jack Sparrow - he did a dead on impression. Maddox's favorite was when Batman came in on a zip line to save Robin and fight the Riddler. The rather dramatic (fake) fight taking place only 6 feet away had him quite enthralled. I think he also enjoyed the Harry Potter performance. And it's the only time I've ever experienced a hay ride where the finale was a rather speedy ascent up a pretty steep hill.
Anyways...even though I didn't get any forest pics, I am still happy I took my camera. It gave me something to play with while we waited! I got several cool light shots from all of the kids running around in the dark with lights and glow sticks. Here are a couple of my favorites...

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