I tried to get Maddox to check out this amazing snake but he stayed at least 6 feet away at all times. I couldn't even get him to walk past the snake to go check out one of the birds they had out for the animal show. He was trying to play it cool - but he was clearly freaked out by the snake. I'm surprised - given his obsession with the outdoors and bugs and Bear Grylls! Whatever. :-)

Maddox loves playing in that huge tree! Here he is heading for the top...

And Evey down below...

Then Grandma Donna headed up with Maddox...

...so I could hang with little Evey. I must point out that while I love the legwarmers on little ones, my child does not have the appropriate physique. We ended up having to take them off shortly after this because they were cutting into her chubby little legs. She's going to need to slim down first. ;-)

Maddox enjoyed the playground quite a bit...

I did NOT enjoy this "fun"house mirror. ha!

But Maddox did...

My cute mama (AKA Grandma Donna)...

And we almost always have to catch the sea lion show. They are so amazing!


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