Greetings 2010

Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Compassionate Child

Apparently, Maddox's school focuses on a character trait each month. Teachers nominate one of their students that exhibits that month's trait to receive an award at a school assembly for Kids of Character. Maddox was nominated by his teacher to receive an award for the December character trait..."compassion." We are so proud! At least I was until I asked Maddox what "compassion" means...he says it means you won something. Ha! Well, even if he doesn't know what the word means...he is generally a very compassionate child. There are exceptions...namely his sister. But overall, he's a real sweet and sensitive kid and I'm thrilled that he got recognized.

Maddox filing in to the assembly...

Compassionate Maddox Pt 1 from Sarah Rimel on Vimeo.

Receiving his award...
(As usual, our last name was mispronounced. As he walked up, you can very faintly hear him correct the announcer, who then says the name correctly. He's got a life time of that ahead of him. ;-)

Compassionate Maddox Pt 2 from Sarah Rimel on Vimeo.

And one more, Maddox getting lined up for the group photo.

Compassionate Maddox Pt 3 from Sarah Rimel on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad he corrected her. I was always thinking "RImel", but thought maybe it was "riMEL" Glad to know my instincts are correct - and glad Maddox is a compassionate little guy! Congrats, Mom! Job well done!