#1 (Allison - this one HAD to be black & white ;-)


Couldn't decide between the next two so I will just have to post both...




LOVE this next one...


I think partly sunny/cloudy is ideal for outdoor shoots. You get the nice diffused lighting from the clouds...but you can have so much fun with the sun. These next two shots are a good example. The first was shot when we had clouds...then poof, sun and shadows. Yeah!




I about had a fit when I saw the light here. Amazing!






They look great all by themselves too. ;-)
A gorgeous shot of Allison...

A handsome shot of Brian...

Very nice...


I think Allison looks so cute here...

And this series makes me happy...

What a fantabulous couple...CONGRATULATIONS Allison & Brian! I am very much looking forward to your wedding in September. :-)

Hey! You guys look amazing! I like all of them, but I would choose 13, 7 or 1! And if I really have to narrow it down I guess I'd pick 13. Hard to choose!
I think they turned out really well! My absolute favorites are 7, 8, 14, & 20. I guess if I HAD to choose, I'd pick 7. Wow. Great job Sarah! Thanks again for such a fun session!
I'm a number 8 fan as well, but they all look great!
Great dress Allison! I think my fav is #8!
Wow-I love these pictures-Sarah where were you when Mike and I got married years ago?? I love #8-that is my absolute favorite.
I loved 4,7,8,13,14,15. But most I would say 8. The individual pictures of you two are amazing too. Your eyes just pop in them, so beautiful. And in the tri-picture I love Allison's facial expression behind Brian, too funny! Love you guys.
Def. #8!!!! Allison you looked absolutely gorgeous in this one and Brian looked very handsome! I loved all of them but my favorite is 8 and I really like 13 too! The lighting and different shapes. Awesome job! <3 yas!
Okay so most here said 8 I think. Well I'm gonna change it up a bit and say EIGHT! I also was impressed with 13. All were very good however. You two truly look awesome in these...make that you two just look awesome together.
#4 & #8! I'm Sarah's friend but I had to add my thoughts also.
Those red shoes are the best.
I would love to get a pair!
Gorgeous pics! You did a great job Sarah! We liked 7, 8, 13, 17, and 20. How to choose? The facial expressions in 8 are the best we think. Having read all the other comments, it looks a lot of others agree! 7 is sweet, love the architecture in 13 and the colors in 20 are fabulous.
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