Maddox loves these huge slides - I lost count how many times he went down them...

This guy was singing silly songs before the pig races to entertain the crowd...

My nephew Connor enjoying the show...

I missed the pig races - I took Evey off to play in the shaded grass...

Waiting for the train to take off...

Maddox and Connor grabbed the caboose seat...

Evey was less than 2 months old last year at Carolyn's - so this was her first real experience with pumpkins...

Oddly enough she thought the stem looked like the tastiest part...

Showing a little leg...

Evey is just crazy about any and all animals. She can't get enough of them and desperately wants to touch/pet/cuddle/squeeze them. Luckily for this rabbit there were a couple layers of fence between them. ;-)

Then Evey crashed out for a long nap and I got to hang out with my boy.

He did an excellent job leading me through the corn maze. When we got inside I would pretend to panic that we were lost and he was very proud to show me the way out. ;-)

He was playing in the sand and then wiped his sweaty face - and just got absolutely filthy.

Evey awoke in a fabulous mood. What a cutey!

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