Lydia was quite shy when it came to the camera. ;-)

But when you are this cute, it doesn't take much to make a nice picture... :-)

Love the furrowed brow...

I'm predicting Lydia will be a future star of track & field. She shares my son's love of throwing sticks...but check out the form! She means business. Every throw begins with an outstretched aiming arm!

Here is Dave giving Lydia's technique a try...

After the stick throwing event, Lydia suggested a hopping race...

Followed by a running race...


Very cute...

Yep, more cuteness...

Fabulous family shot...

Turns out Lydia is quite ticklish and loves to be tickled...

Lydia helped me take this picture of her parents. Didn't she do a nice job!?

Then when we found a big open grassy area...Lydia was really ready to have some fun! First she wanted her parents to race to her. On your mark, get set, go!

Then Lydia wanted to race her dad...

Followed by Lydia vs. Mom...

Run, run, run!

Family race!

A quick rest...

Ready for more play...

Now that was fun! I bet Lydia crashed out for quite a nap/night's rest after all of that playing around. Thank you Dave, Molly, and Lydia - I had a wonderful time. You guys are such an awesome family - you really know how to have fun and enjoy each other. :-)
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