Maddox will be getting a haircut very soon...

Evey will not be getting a haircut. I'm so happy she finally has hair! :-)

Always the ornery stinker, Maddox thought it was very funny to throw leaves at me.

So there was a lot of leaf throwing that day. And it went both ways. ;-)


Maddox requested a picture with his buddy, Cash...

An action shot that makes me laugh...


Maddox shrinking me with his magic stick...
(I wasn't allowed to call it a wand...not sure why. Seemed very wandlike to me.)

Is there a word for it - when you vibrate your lips? I don't know. But that is what Maddox was doing when I took this picture. This image cracked us both up - we had a good laugh over it. :-P

So then we took more goofy pictures and laughed some more. :-)

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