So let's take a look at some of my favorite photos from the session.
VOTE for your favorite in the Comments section below! Cathy & Dave will receive a free 8x10 of the most popular image.
We started off including their son (Daniel) and dog (Max) for a few family portraits...


Little Daniel had places to go, people to see...




I can't resist a reflection shot...the geese made this one for me. ;-)

This one makes me happy. :-)


Cathy looks so pretty here. :-)


Max was so cute waiting under the tree for us that I made Cathy & Dave get in there with him for a group shot...




I had to get a shot of Max waiting for us amongst the Easter eggs. We had to vacate this area when we saw the kids coming. I'm pretty sure these eggs would have been safe with Max around to guard them. ;-)




We also did a little solo mini session for each of them. Here is Cathy...

Poor Cathy was battling the wind all I really like this cute shot of her fighting the breeze.

This is Dave's serious look. I enjoyed teasing him that he still looked pleasantly amused somehow. I think it's the dimples. ;-)



One more of Cathy...gorgeous!

Nice ice! ;-)

Thanks Cathy & Dave...I'll be seeing you again very very soon!
Looks natural with an artistic angle. Nice shot.
This is the hardest time I've ever had deciding. They are just awesome. This will make a fabulous guest book for the wedding.
For the family all together I like #2. #6 was close behind because of Daniel's cute little teeth & how he looks so much like his parents.
Of just Cathy & Dave...
#10 This gets my engagement pic vote. Max is the most handsome dog ever.
Close behind is #8, she looks like she just adores Dave!
Can't wait to see the wedding pics!
Great job Sarah!
The last one in the #2 series. Nice photo of the a happy family. You guys are so photogenic. Love you!!!
Rohr Family-great shots of all of you. Hard to narrow it down, but if I had to do so...the third one in the #2 series.
I liked both of the family shots with an edge to #2.
For engagement I liked #'s 5,7,and 10.
For engagement photos, #13 but I ablsolutely LOVED #2. That is a GREAT shot!!
Nicely Done, my friend! As always. Super attractive included. :)
The pictures of Daniel are priceless. The pictures of Dave are Dave. . .truly showing his strength and love for his family. Mary Catherine will always be just a pretty on the inside as out. A beautiful soul that we are proud to love and call our niece. Great pictures from a truly gifted photographer.
Love, Uncle George and Janet
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