We had a lovely time at Grandma Nita's yesterday. Evey got to join everyone at the table this time...dining on rice cereal with some applesauce. Mmmmm...

Grandma Nita had pulled out the "vintage" highchair (I'm guessing 35 years old) and Evey thought it was fantastic fun. Not only can you see yourself...it makes a nice loud noise when you bang on the metal tray! They just don't make 'em like they used to!

It was almost too much fun. All that banging wore the poor baby out and she passed out on Grandma for a little nap.

Meanwhile, we headed outside (brrrrr...) for the egg hunt. They had some very cool eggs. Some were very naturey "eggs" that resembled nuts and stones...others had hooks and hung on branches and what not. Maddox had a little trouble with the hooks...check out the intensity in his face as he tries to get this egg.

Maddox really enjoyed the egg hunt...though he was the lone hunter since the cousins have been sick and were unable to make the trip from Jeff City.

We also celebrated Jay's cousin Kira's birthday. And given its proximity to Easter this year...Anita made a bunny cake!

So we lit the bunny on fire...

Then we made the birthday girl carve it up so we could eat it...Happy Birthday Kira!

It was very tasty. Poor little rabbit...

The other highlight for Maddox was playing Mario with Grandpa Bob...

Jay watching the Mario action...

Maddox really got into the game at times!

I will plan on posting some pics from Easter at Grandma Donna's house sometime tomorrow!