In fact, this is probably my favorite Thanksgiving picture I have ever taken. This was quite a few years ago, I had to go digging in the archives. This was even back when I shot film. FILM! ;-) I call it "Thanksgiving Stupor" - shot shortly after completing our Thanksgiving meal that year at Jay's grandma's house.

So I think we should have a contest. It has been a LONG time! You can enter two ways...
1) In the comments section below, tell me what you are thankful for. (Make sure you leave at least your first name.)
2) Send me a photo that YOU have taken that makes you think of Thanksgiving or perhaps who/what you are thankful for.
Leave your comment here or email your image to me at by Friday at noon. Everyone who participates will be entered into a drawing to win a gift certificate to Target...great for holiday shopping. ;-)
Oh, how I love Target. I am definitely thankful for Target! :-)
And just for fun, make sure you vote in the Thanksgiving poll....
I'm definitely thankful for Winter & Summer Breaks. Without them, I would get burnt out on grad classes :)
I am thankful that I have found someone that will put up with ALL of me...not just the good parts!
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