Niki was anxious to show off her new lunch box right there by the entrance at the river otters...

So we grabbed a table and ate before heading off to see the sea lions.

Niki was sporting some adorable braids...

I can't wait until Evey is old enough for pony tails and braids. Although, she will have to become far more tolerant. I can't even keep a barette or bow in the child's hair. In fact, here you can see that I was definitely losing the bow battle at this point...

Evey refused the stroller most of the time. She was a girl on a mission. Unfortunately that mission involved taking off in random directions at all times...

Niki & Maddox were awfully cute waiting for the carousel with their moolah...

The last carousel ride, Evey wanted off almost immediately. So we tried a bench this time. She did a little better but still wasn't 100% sure about the ride.

Feeding the deer. Again.

Apparently our persistence with the zoo this month paid off because Evey was willing to feed the deer for the first time! Though she was sure to stretch that arm as far as she could to keep an adequate distance.

Deer tongue.

Resting in the snake...

Meerkat in a window...again.

Evey took a lemonade break while Maddox and Niki explored the tree.

Favorite shot of the day...that is Niki's silhouette.

The playground...again. This one reminds me of Munch's painting The Scream.

Looks like Christie enjoyed the mirrors as well. :-)

Niki & Maddox were more interested in all of these little round painted windows than they were in the animals while we were in Asia...

Little explorers...

He can't NOT make a face when he sees a camera pointed at him.

However, Maddox was not to be outdone by Niki's freakishly long tongue! haha

Can't wait to see this from Christie's perspective...

Add to the growing list of items I can't resist photographing...tattoos.

Evey's cracker disaster. This was moments before passing out in the stroller as we headed for the exit.