CONGRATULATIONS to Jennifer. You will be receiving a free 8x10! :-)
Last month I shared some of my favorite wedding images from 2008, so now it is time for my favorite portrait images from last year. It was really difficult to choose only a select few but I have managed to narrow it down to 50 of my favorites from 2008's portrait sessions.
Once again, please VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE in the comments section below! One lucky client will receive a free 8x10 of the most popular image. :-)


















































This was very difficult as they were all so good. After contemplating between number 3 and number 13 I think I will choose number 3. The look on their face is pure joy and anticipation of of the happiness that little bundle of joy will bring them.
# 10 get's my vote- awesome picture !!!!
#14, 12, 7, and 3 sorry I couldn't decide!
-Havilah Moore
#41 You really captured their love.
neil and irene vote for #26
I love #3
#30 is awesome Sarah - hard to choose-they are all great
#19 or #35. No mother of boys could turn down number 19.
I'm biased so I'll say #15. BUT, I really love #44.
Um...there are four fabulous pictures (you know which I speak of, Sarah) that I am tempted to vote for...but that doesn't seem very fair to vote for my own. So I will give my vote to pic #22
Number 41 is the best pic that shows a couple in love!
#3 for sure
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