LOVE Photo Contest Results -
Wow! This ended up being really close! I have tallied the votes left in the comments section and combined those with the votes I received by email. The winning photo won by one vote! And three photos tied for second place!
And the winner is...

Andrea created this image on the beach of the Pacific Ocean in San Francisco. Very nice. Congratulations Andrea! Andrea will receive a $20 gift certificate to! Yeah!
I would like to include a late entry in the LOVE photo contest! Andrea's photo reminded me of a photo taken by my husband many many years ago when we were first dating. I had a point & shoot camera that I took with me pretty much everywhere even way back then. I accidentally left it at his apartment. When I ended up getting my roll of film developed...there was one image on my roll that I did not take. Here it is:

HAHA! And it was sooooooo romantic! That's hilarious. Nothing says I love you like a bunch of beer bottles...Happy Valentines Day honey! :-)
Okay, back to business. Here are the remaining entries - now including the identities of the mystery photographers. ;-)
Photo #1 by Anita Giese (tied for 2nd place!)

Photo #2 by Misty Black (tied for 2nd place!)

Photo #3 by Rebecca Gomez

Photo #4 by Andrea Biagioli

Photo #5 by Christine Blegen

Photo #6 by Stephanie Alexander

Photo #7 by Anita Giese

Photo #8 by Misty Black (tied for 2nd place!)

Photo #9 by Rebecca Gomez

Photo #10 by Christine Blegen

THANK YOU all so much for participating - this was a lot of fun! I have a little somethin' somethin' for all of you!
And thanks to all of the voters as well!
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Don't forget to take some pictures of your loved ones today!