Well, the little bully is 6 months old today! Six whole months! Unbelievable. She is really becoming quite active. In fact, diaper/clothing changes seem more like some sort of rodeo competition these days. I tried to get her to sit for her monthly photo shoot today...but we were on the bed and she sits better on harder surfaces. This was by far the most challenging shoot...she was all over the place. She wanted to chew on the blanket and/or her toes more than she wanted to sit for pictures. But here are a few favorites of my little half-year old...

Still has quite a few rolls...

This one is a little abstract but I couldn't resist once I saw her diaper/britches had worked their way down just a tad...

Big eyes...

If you look close you should be able to spot her crazy hairs that stand up on top of her head...

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