Greetings 2010

Thursday, April 3, 2008

7 Months + 7 Days

Well, I lost track of the days! Evey turned 7 months old...7 days ago. So yesterday we did the baby book photo shoot!

I tried her out on this yellow fabric, but it didn't taste very good.

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So we switched to the white and it was much tastier.

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That tongue still hangs out from time to time, though not nearly as often as it used to.

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So far Evey is good about sharing her toys. Generally you are allowed possession for a couple of seconds and then you are expected to give it back.

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There appears to be a lot of teething going on...

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...but so far we just have the one tooth working its way up.

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Evey made the photo shoot look like so much fun, Maddox wanted to take his shirt off and show off his "muscles."

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Maddox may have a future in art direction. He's the concept man...I just shoot the photos. His latest conceptual image features his "eyes and nose...but not his mouth."

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The relationship between Maddox and Evey is an interesting one. She still absolutely adores him. If Maddox laughs, Evey laughs. She finds most of the things he does to be fascinating and/or hilarious. Unfortunately, the feeling does not seem to be mutual. If she barely touches him he cries out in protest and faked pain. I know he loves her...he will occasionally admit it and every once in awhile show a tiny bit of affection.

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Anonymous said...

I LOVE the little tooth. Priceless.

Anonymous said...

I think he's actually squeezing her arm in this one - maybe not so affectionately either.
Getting a little sister can be tough for a kid - trust me, I know.
- Chris