I had passed this light pole many times and wondered...
How long have those stickers been there?
How on earth did they get those stickers so high up on the pole?
Why would anyone go to such lengths to decorate a light pole with radio station stickers?
Well my friends...I now have answers to those three questions!
Allow me to introduce Andrea...former student, client, blog reader, and winner of February's LOVE photo contest! A few of my favorites from Andrea's senior portrait session last year...

Another favorite and proof that she has thumbs! haha

Andrea saw the light post picture on the blog and recognized it because her Grandma Johanna lives on that street! Small world! She did a little research and discovered that her Uncle Mike and Aunt Carla are responsible for the light pole vandalism. ;-) I was very excited and relayed my questions to her as I have been seeking answers for years! So here are the answers to my questions...because inquiring minds want to know!
Q: How long have those stickers been there?
A: Since about 1973
Q: How on earth did they get those stickers so high up on the pole?
A: They climbed! That's insane...they go really really high!
Q: Why would anyone go to such lengths to decorate a light pole with radio station stickers?
A: They just had the stickers so they decided to do something with them.
That last one is a little less poignant than I had anticipated. ;-) Though I'm not sure what I expected...haha!
I had to include one last photo collage to show you the REAL Andrea. She looks so sweet and normal in the first set of photos...but she is a total goofball...which I LOVE! ;-)

Not only is Andrea quite funny...she is also super smart and talented! Thanks to Andrea for solving one of life's little mysteries...atleast in my small world. ;-)
Mrs. Rimel, I'm sure I could come up with a better answer for why they put them up there...or at least I could hit the thesaurus. They were just kids looking to be ornery, I suppose. But this post is awesome, of course all of your posts are awesome!
Glad to help!
I got a better reason for why those stickers are there! There was a KWKI contest to have those stickers in the strangest places, and that's what they came up with.
Much better! Now that I can understand. ;-)
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