A couple of beautiful shots of Sarah...

A couple of handsome shots of Stephen...

A fun shot of Stephen - and his best man, Jeremy...

The somewhat reluctant "ringbearer" was their adorable son Connor. Too cute...

When Sarah made her entrance...

...Connor smiled and Stephen got a little teary. I love moments like these...

Sarah & Stephen released butterflies after their ceremony. One of them liked Stephen and decided to hang out for awhile...

I love that Connor was included in the ceremony. He was given a special medallion...

What a cutey!

The newlyweds...

The reason I love this picture is that Sarah & Stephen were willing to strike this pose without question...not even noticing the statue behind them. We were having a little fun with Sarah because she was not a fan of the sculptures scattered throughout the garden. She had asked me to shoot around them - which is no problem - but we had to have a little fun. ;-)
Clearly abusing the trust my clients have in me...thanks for being so cool guys! :-)


The rings...

I enjoy this shot of Stephen & Sarah as they saw their car after their friends finished decorating...


Congratulations Sarah & Stephen! Enjoy the honeymoon!

Ceremony & Reception...Powell Gardens
Officiant...Dr. Roger Coleman
Flowers...Vintage Daisy
Cake...Rita Stretch
Catering...Cafe Thyme
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